NIH/NCI R01CA20416 (4/01/16-3/31/21; a collaboration between the Zeglis Laboratory and the Lewis Laboratory at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) The Clinical PET Imaging of Metastatic Breast Cancer with Site-Specifically Labeled 89Zr-Trastuzumab
NIH/NCI U01CA221046 (4/01/18-3/31/23; a collaboration between the Zeglis Laboratory and the Lewis Laboratory at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) Pretargeted Clinical Imaging of CA19.9 in Pancreatic Cancer
NIH/NCI U01CA221046 (7/09/19-6/30/24; a collaboration between the Zeglis Laboratory and the Zheng Laboratory at Hunter College) Novel Reagents for Rapid and Stable Thiol-Based Bioconjugations
NIH/NIBIB R21EB030275 (6/01/20-5/31/22; a collaboration between the Zeglis Laboratory and the Qiu Laboratory at Hunter College) A PET Radiotracer for the Diagnostic and Theranostic Imaging of Lyme Disease
NIH/NCI R01CA244327 (7/01/20-6/30/25; a collaboration between the Zeglis Laboratory and the Bournazos Laboratory at Rockefeller University) Novel Transgenic Mouse Models Addressing Outstanding Translational Barriers in Antibody-Based Therapeutics
The Zeglis Laboratory is also grateful for the support of the NIH (K99/R00 to Dr. Keinänen; F31 to Ms. Delaney) for generous training awards.
The Zeglis Laboratory is supported by the following awards from the National Institutes of Health: