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The Zeglis Laboratory is supported by the following awards from the National Institutes of Health:

Current Funding


  • NIH/NCI R01CA244327 (7/01/20-6/30/25; a collaboration between the Zeglis Laboratory and the Bournazos Laboratory at Rockefeller University) Novel Transgenic Mouse Models Addressing Outstanding Translational Barriers in Antibody-Based Therapeutics


  • NIH/NCI 1R21CA280595 (10/01/23-9/30/25; a collaboration between the Zeglis Laboratory and the Humm Laboratory at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) Targeting DNA Mismatches for Auger Electron Radiotherapy


  • NIH/NCI 1R01AI175417 (10/01/23-9/30/28; a collaboration between the Zeglis Laboratory and the Gomes-Solecki Laboratory at the University of Tennessee Health Science Campus) ImmunoPET Probes for the Imaging of Lyme Disease


  • NIH/NCI 1R01CA281801 (7/01/23-6/30/28; a collaboration between the Zeglis Laboratory and the Lampe Laboratory at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center) Autoantibodies to Tumor-Derived Neoepitopes as Biomarkers and ImmunoPET Agents for the Early Detection of Small Cell Lung Cancer​​​​

Expired Funding


  • NIH/NCI U01CA221046 (4/01/18-3/31/23; a collaboration between the Zeglis Laboratory and the Lewis Laboratory at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) Pretargeted Clinical Imaging of CA19.9 in Pancreatic Cancer


  • NIH/NCI R01CA20416 (4/01/16-3/31/21; a collaboration between the Zeglis Laboratory and the Lewis Laboratory at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) The Clinical PET Imaging of Metastatic Breast Cancer with Site-Specifically Labeled 89Zr-Trastuzumab


  • NIH/NCI U01CA221046 (7/09/19-6/30/24; a collaboration between the Zeglis Laboratory and the Zheng Laboratory at Hunter College) Novel Reagents for Rapid and Stable Thiol-Based Bioconjugations


  • NIH/NIBIB R21EB030275 (6/01/20-5/31/22; a collaboration between the Zeglis Laboratory and the Qiu Laboratory at Hunter College) A PET Radiotracer for the Diagnostic and Theranostic Imaging of Lyme Disease


The Zeglis Laboratory is also grateful for the support of the Tow Foundation (Ms. Joni Sebastiano) and NanoBioNYC (Mr. Mike Cornejo) for generous training awards

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